Miss Dickie
6th-8th Middle School Teacher and
8th Grade Homeroom
Our Lady of Fatima School
Phone: 724-375-7565
Email: kdickie@olofschool.com
¡Bienvenidos a las clases de Español en los grados 7 y 8!
Welcome to Grades 7 & 8 Spanish Classes!
Spanish classes will integrate key vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, and conversation skills practice. Students will have application exercises, projects, and quizzes/tests to maximize learning and language growth.
Students will learn and practice applying elements of vocabulary.
Students will learn and practice applying elements of grammar.
Students will practice writing for different tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Students will be exposed to different cultures and cultural practices.
Oral language and communicating skills will also be emphasized.
Grading will be based on diocesan standards. Grading is broken down into the following categories:
Assessments/Quizzes: advanced notification given for short quizzes, vocabulary, grammar, and chapter tests
Projects/Written Exercises: assigned during each quarter and students given significant class time and partner small group support
Homework: unfinished work from class is assigned for continued practice and skill reinforcement
Participation/Classwork: students are encouraged to participate each class to receive credit
Please check grades weekly on OptionC to monitor student progress. You can get your username and password from the school office if you do not have one. The class grading scale follows the school grading scale, which is posted on OptionC.
Grading Scale:
100-93: A
92-85: B
84-75: C
74-69: D
69 & below: E
Daily Supplies:
Students are expected to come to class prepared with their binder, textbook, workbook, Chromebook, and #2 pencils sharpened.
COVID-19: All current health and safety guidelines will be followed and enforced as recommended and directed by health officials and governmental agencies. Please see the OLOF health and safety documents and handbook from the school office for specific information.
Classroom Procedures & Expectations
Students are expected to come to class prepared with their school supplies, textbook, and to be seated and ready to work. Students should have all necessary materials and homework, if applicable, ready for class, including their planners and Chromebook, everyday.
Spanish will integrate key vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, and conversation skills. Students will have application exercises, projects, and tests to maximize learning and language growth. ​Memorization and flash cards/digital flash cards usage are essential!!
Class Textbook Resources & Curriculum
7th Grade
Prentice Hall’s Paso a Paso A to B with accompanying workbook
Discuss Leisure & Vacation Time
Discussing the Home and Activities
Health & Well-being
8th Grade
Prentice Hall’s Paso a Paso B with accompanying workbook course continuation
Movies & TV Shows
Restaurants & Dining
The Environment
Technology is integrated in the form of Google Classroom, the SmartBoard usage, videos, films, and application exercises. Students must follow class rules and school code of conduct when utilizing school technology and school resources. Technology not used in accordance with school,classroom, and Diocesan Memo of Understanding policies will result in school discipline.
*OLOF is proud to offer a 1-to-1 student Chromebook initiative for grades 6-8. Student Google Classroom assignments are integrated when/where applicable. Students are still expected to submit hard copy and digital copies of assignments and projects to assess and monitor progress. Chromebook usage must be in compliance with teacher instruction and OLOF technology and Student Code of Conduct (Technology Addendum) as outlined in the handbook and agreement forms for students and parents. Teachers and Administration of OLOF have the discretion to take away Chromebook privileges at any time.*
Classwork & Homework Guidelines
Homework is provided to reinforce the concepts students learned that day. Homework will be given regularly, but not necessarily each class. Students are given class time and opportunities to work with partners unless otherwise stated in order to complete their work. All homework and important assignment dates are reviewed and will be listed on the board to allow students to understand what is expected of them in advance. Students must write their assignments in the planners/Google Classroom calendar given to them by the school. Students will be given more advanced notice for quizzes/tests and larger project-based assignments. Classwork that is not finished throughout the day is most often assigned to be finished as homework. **Please check planners daily.** Homework is not listed on my teacher webpage, but on the board/Google Classroom when applicable, and is the responsibility of the students to keep track of for reviewing and studying. Students are encouraged to speak with the teacher as soon as possible if they have questions or concerns about specific assignments.
Missed/late/incomplete assignments will hinder a student’s grades. Students will not receive full credit for missed/late/incomplete assignments. Students are graded for homework completion, but not correctness, unless stated otherwise for specific assignments. Homework assigned is reviewed during the next class to enhance understanding and clarify ideas. Students will only receive homework credit for all items of completed work attempted and submitted on-time, with the assigned expectations met. Partial credit for some homework done will not be given. Homework is generally worth 3 points when assigned, unless otherwise stated for longer assignments.
Students must make every attempt to try and complete their work in a timely manner. Please use planners to stay organized with classroom assignments and expectations. Students are encouraged to check OptionC regularly to monitor their own grades and make-up work. Please check with the teacher for extension requests for absentee make-up work.