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5th Grade Social Studies 






     Welcome to Social Studies class!  I am so excited to begin the year with all of you and work with you this school year!  In order for the classroom to run smoothly to create the best learning environment, I ask that the students and their families read through the following information together.  It will be reviewed with students and the class during the first week of school. Then, parents and students should complete and sign the information sheet sent home on the first day of school, showing that you and your child have read and understand the policies and procedures outlined.  


Online text link: (copy and paste the link below to access your textbook)



For greater student achievement and learning, I believe it is very important to encourage communication with parents.  For the quickest response, the best way to reach me is via e-mail at  The OptionC messaging option may be used, but response time will be longer.  Also, you may contact Mrs. Conti in the school office at 724-375-7565 and she will alert me so that I can get back to you as soon as I am able.  



Grading will be based on diocesan standards. Grading is broken down into the following categories:

  • -Assessments/Quizzes: advanced notification given for short quizzes, vocabulary, and chapter tests

  • -Projects: assigned during each quarter and students given significant time inside and outside of class

  • -Homework: time provided during class with teacher and partner assistance (when applicable)

  • -Participation/Classwork: chapter/skill specific independent exercises


Please check grades weekly on OptionC to monitor student progress.  You can get your username and password from Mrs. Conti in the school office if you do not have one.  The class grading scale follows the school grading scale, which is posted on OptionC.


Grading Scale:

100-93: A

92-85: B

84-75: C

74-69: D

69 & below: E


Daily Supplies

Students are expected to come to class prepared with their textbook, #2 pencils sharpened, and a 1” wide binder with binder tabs for handouts and note-taking.  Below is the list of supplies to assist with classroom learning and exercises:


  • ​#2 pencils

  • Binder/folder

  • Highlighters (any color)


Classroom Procedures & Expectations

Students are expected to come to class prepared with their school supplies, textbooks, and to be seated and ready to work.  Students should have all necessary materials and homework, if applicable, ready for class, including their planners/Google Calendar, everyday.  

A social studies note packet is provided to students for each section of the chapter to complete with the teacher/partners during classroom time to enhance understanding.  Note packets are a great way to review for understanding and test preparation.  

The class structure will consist of active text reading as a whole class and in small groups, with technology integrated in the form of short films/visuals, application exercises, questions/exercises completed independently or in collaborative groups, and activities/projects utilized where applicable to enhance learning throughout each quarter.  Any additional expectations or homework are reviewed prior to the end of class for students to understand what is expected of them.  


COVID-19: All current health and safety guidelines will be followed and enforced as recommended and directed by health officials and governmental agencies.  Please see the OLOF health and safety documents and handbook from the school office for specific information. 


Class Resources & Curriculum

Social Studies Textbook & Online Website

 My World Social Studies: The Growth of Our Country



Chapter 1: The First Americans

Chapter 2: Age of Exploration

Chapter 3: Settlements Take Root

Chapter 4: Life in the Colonies

Chapter 5: The American Revolution

Chapter 6: A New Nation

Chapter 7: The Young Nation Grows

Chapter 8: Moving WestChapter 9Civil War and Reconstruction



Online text link: (copy and paste the link below to access your textbook)



IXL is a digital program where students can master social studies content area skills, prepare for tests, and apply knowledge learned in the classroom.



Technology is integrated in the form of Google Classroom, the SmartBoard usage, videos, films, application exercises, and the social studies online textbook with resources for students.  Students will be exposed to the online textbook that corresponds with their book during class. However, students are encouraged to use this excellent resource outside of class for reviewing and test preparations.


Students can use the audio from the social studies online text to have it read to them, with games and visuals available to enhance understanding.  Students will be given a username and password at the start of the school year to access required materials.  Students will not be expected to complete assignments on their online social studies account at this time.  


*OLOF is proud to offer a 1-to-1 student Chromebook initiative for grades 6-8.  Student Google Classroom assignments are integrated when/where applicable.  Students are still expected to submit hard copy and digital copies of assignments and projects to assess and monitor progress.  Chromebook usage must be in compliance with teacher instruction and OLOF technology and Student Code of Conduct (Technology Addendum) as outlined in the handbook and agreement forms for students and parents.  Technology not used in accordance with school,classroom, and Diocesan Memo of Understanding policies will result in school discipline.  Teachers and Administration of OLOF have the discretion to take away Chromebook privileges at any time.*  



Homework is provided to reinforce the concepts students learned that day.  Homework will be given throughout the chapter, but not necessarily daily. Most assignments begin in class with guidance available and then students are asked to complete the rest for homework.  Students are given class time and opportunities to work with partners unless otherwise stated.  All homework and important assignment dates are reviewed and will be listed on the board to allow students to understand what is expected of them in advance.  Students must write their assignments in the planners given to them by the school or one personally purchased.  


 **Please check planners daily.**  Homework is not listed on my teacher webpage, but on the board daily, and is the responsibility of the students to keep track of each class day.  Students are encouraged to speak with the teacher as soon as possible if they have questions or concerns about specific assignments.


Missed/late/incomplete assignments will hinder a student’s grades.  Students will not receive full credit for missed/late/incomplete assignments.  Students are graded for homework completion, but not correctness, unless stated otherwise for specific assignments or longer assignments.  Homework assigned is reviewed during the next class to enhance understanding and clarify ideas. Students will only receive homework credit for all items of completed work attempted and submitted on-time, with the assigned expectations met.  Partial credit for some homework done will not be given. Homework is generally worth 3 points when assigned, unless otherwise stated for longer assignments.    Study guides are worth more credit and students are given additional class time/day(s) to complete. Incomplete study guides for review day result in staying in from recess to review concepts prior to the test day.  Students should make every attempt to complete all aspects of the assigned study guide.  


Students must make every attempt to try and complete their work in a timely manner.  Please use planners to stay organized with classroom assignments and expectations.  Students are encouraged to check OptionC regularly to monitor their own grades and make-up work.  


Please check the OLOF Parent Handbook for school policy on extended absences and requesting assignments due to sickness.    


Classroom Rules

  1. -Listen carefully & Follow directions

  2. -Work quietly

  3. -All tasks & work completed on-time

  4. -Raise your hand and wait to be called on

  5. -Keep the classroom neat and clean

  6. -Act with respect

Consequence of Behavior

Consequence of poor classroom behavior are in accordance with the school policies and expectations of students.  

  • All 5th grade behavior will follow 5th Grade Classroom behavior expectations and consequences from Mrs. Shields.  â€‹


*Serious misconduct will require immediate parent and principal communication.*

Teacher and Pupil
Art Class
Girl in Classroom
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